When deciding on a practice broker, make sure they show you the RESULTS of their marketing campaign. If not, you have every right to say, “Thank you very much. Have a nice day.” Because if all practice brokers do is list your practice on their website and perhaps reach out to a few clients, then they are doing you an injustice. Because in most cases, you contracted with that broker for 12 months, and you deserve better than to sit around for an entire year hoping for some interest in your practice.

We market to 46,000+ dentists in 26 states along the East Coast thru our GoDaddy Email Marketing Campaign®. And when we complete our marketing campaign, we show you proof of the results. In other words, we send you the GoDaddy file demonstrating the number of dentists we marketed to, the number of dentists who received our marketing email in their mailbox, the number of dentists who clicked onto our website for further information, and those who contacted us directly.

Of course, email marketing is not our only source of advertising. We advertise on all social media platforms, all eastern dental journals, dental schools, dental business forums, and so much more. In fact, why are there no other dental brokers advertising with the American Dental Association? I don’t see any of them in the ADA or JADA journals. Why not? Probably because it is too expensive for them to advertise there. But not 3 Percent Dental. We advertise everywhere, no matter what the cost, to sell your practice fast!

What good is advertising your brokerage firm if you don’t specifically advertise the individual practices you are selling? Thus, the reason we include our GoDaddy Email Marketing Campaign® in our advertising. We don’t want you to sit around for months waiting for a hit. We market (your specific practice) directly to 46,000+ dentists along the east coast to ensure you receive maximum exposure. And you are entitled to two (2) GoDaddy Email Marketing Campaigns® with our 12-month contract. So remember, when considering a practice broker to sell your dental practice, ask the broker if he/she can demonstrate “proof” of their marketing and advertising. If not, then they are probably not spending the money necessary to get your practice sold fast.