Dental Equipment

Dental Equipment for Sale

Do you have dental equipment for sale? If so, we have the perfect platform to advertise your merchandise. Right here on our 3 Percent Dental website with marketing options to cover more than 117,000 dentists nationwide. Just tell us about your specific equipment for sale. Upload photos so we can make them readily available upon request. For a flat listing fee, we will get your office equipment listed and ready to be sold.


We charge a flat fee based on the number of items you are selling and the length of your listing agreement. Please fill out the appropriate form below. Once received, we will send you a draft of your listing (for your approval) along with the corresponding listing fee.

Let’s Get Started

Please select from one of the two forms below. Under comments, please tell us about your merchandise for sale and please be as specific as possible. Please include the manufacturer, model number and a full description of the item. If there are multiple items, please include the manufacturer and model number for each item. If possible, please attach photos of your merchandise. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

All information disclosed to us is kept confidential, and we shall not disclose or use such information other than with respect to our performance of the brokerage services, or as otherwise required by law.
This site is fully secured with solid SHA-2 and 2048-bit encryption and robust PKI infrastructure.


    Dentist's First Name:
    Dentist's Last Name:
    Legal Business Name:
    State of Primary License:
    Dental License Number:

    Dentist’s Business Address
    Suite #:
    Zip Code:
    Business Telephone Number:

    Business Website Address:

    Dentist's Home Address:
    Apt #:
    Zip Code:
    Dentist's Home Telephone Number:

    Dentist's Cellphone Number:

    Dentist's Email Address:

    How do you prefer to be contacted:

    Comments: Please give us a complete description of your merchandise and please be as specific as possible. We construct a draft based on your description. Please include the manufacturer, model number, color, age and condition of equipment. If possible, please attach photos of your merchandise.

    There is currently a 15 second delay after you click send. Please do not submit a second time. Thank you for your submission.

    Dental Service Organizations

      DSO Principal's First Name:
      DSO Principal's Last Name:
      DSO's Legal Business Name:
      DSO’s Business Address:
      Suite #:
      Zip Code:
      DSO's Business Telephone Number:

      DSO’s Business Website Address:

      DSO Principal’s Cellphone Number:

      DSO Principal’s Email Address:

      How do you prefer to be contacted:
      Comments: Please give us a complete description of your merchandise and please be as specific as possible. We construct a draft based on your description. Please include the manufacturer, model number, color, age and condition of equipment. If possible, please attach photos of your merchandise.

      There is currently a 15 second delay after you click send. Please do not submit a second time. Thank you for your submission.