Irvington, NJ. Mixed Medicaid/PPO and private insurance, this 80-year established general dentistry practice is being offered for sale with or without real estate. Owner is a 44-year retiree who has a sole GP working M, T, W & R from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. The building consists of a 1,000 sq. ft. dental office, a 1,000 sq. ft. medical office and a 1,000 sq. ft. basement laboratory. Income for the medical office is $1,400/month. Income for the dental laboratory is $300/month. However, the dental lab technician does all the maintenance on the building for free. Real estate taxes: $13,002/year. 3 fully equipped operatories. 3 x-ray machines. Additional 4th operatory available and already plumbed w/dental chair. 1 dentist, 1 receptionist and 1 dental assistant on staff. Free parking in rear of building. Highly motivated seller.
Physical Facilities:
- 1,000 sq. ft. dental office / 1,000 sq. ft. medical office ($1,400/month income)
- 1,000 sq. ft. dental laboratory in basement ($300/month income)
- Dental practice is offered with or without real estate
- Reception and lab area
- Separate private doctor’s office
- 3 fully equipped operatories. 3 x-ray machines
- 4th operatory available and already plumbed w/dental chair
- Physical assets valued at $75,000
Practice Information:
- Mixed Medicaid/PPO/Private insurance base
- Approximately 750 active patients (past 24 months)
- Office open 4 days/week – M, T, W & R
- Office hours: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
- 1 dentist, 1 receptionist, 1 dental assistant on staff
- Average Monthly Collection thru March 2017 is $15,000
- Annual Collections for:
- 2016 $190,000 (annualized)
- 2015 $192,300
- 2014 $165,000
- 2013 $153,000
- Averaged 10 New Patients/month past 12 months