Prospect, CT. Superb location, ground floor, high-grossing dental practice operates just four (4) days/week. Closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday. A generous 2,150 square feet of office space in this professional medical complex and plenty of free parking. Seven (7) plumbed operatories, six (6) fully equipped with four (4) digital x-ray machines and one (1) digital panorex unit. Ideally located adjacent Bank of America with nearby US Post Office, CVS Pharmacy, Dunkin Donuts, Wells Fargo, UPS Store, etc. A massive 55 new patients monthly along a highly trafficked roadway in the center of town. To schedule an appointment to see this beautiful medical complex, please call now and refer to Dental Practice #4185.
Physical Facilities:
- 2,150 sq. ft. (approximate) office
- $2,893/month rent
- Reception area and waiting room
- Sterilization and lab area, staff/break room
- Separate private doctor’s office
- 7 plumbed operatories, 6 fully equipped
- 4 digital x-ray machines, 1 digital panorex unit
- Denticon Dental software – Server and 12 workstations
- Physical assets valued at $210,000
Practice Information:
- Mixed Fee for Service/PPO/ Medicaid patient base
- Approximately 3,000 active patients (past 24 months)
- Office open 4 days/week
- 2 hygienists on staff
- 5 FT, 2 PT staff members
- Average Monthly Collection thru January 2019 is $84,000
- Annual Collections for:
- 2018 $1,010,850
- 2017 $1,166,855
- 2016 $1,134,598
- 2015 $908,685
- Averaged 55 New Patients/month past 12 months